Category: Literacy

2. How to engage children with reading to expand their vocabulary

2. How to engage children with reading to expand their vocabulary

Shareen Wilkinson

The link between extensive reading and a broad vocabulary is well known, but how can teachers expand children’s vocabulary when they’re reluctant to read?  

Helen Prince and Shareen Wilkinson talk about children’s literature, early memories, reading and poetry. Shareen discusses the different strategies she uses to engage children with reading; including dance, music and drama. Shareen also shares stories from her best lessons and why they’ve been so successful.  A lovely conversation looking at the link between vocabulary and reading in primary schools. 

Shareen Wilkinson is a primary school senior leader, former LA lead Primary English advisor, and an established educational author and series editorShareen advises at national level, including as a DfE grammar and reading (KS1 and KS2) subject specialist. She tweets at @ShareenAdvice

Further reading and support:

  • Shareen offers practical strategies to teach vocabulary in the classroom in this blog.
  • Shareen’s popular webinar on ‘Closing the vocabulary gap in primary schools’ is available to watch on demand.
  • Find out more about Word Sparks, fully decodable books that tackle the word gap, developed with series editors Shareen Wilkinson and James Clements.