22. Incorporating Social Justice into the Curriculum with Penny Rabiger

Helen Prince talks to Penny Rabiger about the importance of listening to young people and what we can learn from them about race, identity and social justice.
Penny Rabiger was a teacher for 10 years and has been working with social enterprises, charities and start-ups in the education sector since 2007. She was one of the founding directors of The Key for School Leaders, Head of Membership at Challenge Partners, and Director of Engagement with the Finnish edtech organisation Lyfta. Penny is a school governor at a north London primary school, Trustee on a south London multi-academy trust board, a member of the Haringey BAME achievement group and a Co-founder and Trustee of the BAMEed Network. Penny is a coach on the Leeds Beckett University Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality’s Anti-Racist Schools Award.
Further reading and support:
- Penny tweets at @Penny_Ten and you can read her blog here
- Learner identity is one of the pillars of the Oxford Smart Curriculum. Find out more and read the curriculum direction paper.